
System shock 2 shodan boss lose
System shock 2 shodan boss lose

system shock 2 shodan boss lose

System Shock is a first-person shooter with puzzle-solving and light role-playing elements. The hacker must explore and traverse the desolate corridors and rooms of the large space station, fighting SHODAN's minions on his way to thwart her maniacal design. Rebecca Lansing, a TriOptimum counter-terrorism consultant, contacts the hacker and informs him of an even more terrifying possible future: SHODAN's plan involves using the station's mining lasers to annihilate all life on Earth. The hacker awakens into a horrifying reality: with her ethical restrictions removed, SHODAN took control over the station, reprogrammed all robots and machines to suit her needs, and disposed of the crew members by either transforming them into mutants and cyborgs, or killing them outright.

system shock 2 shodan boss lose

The hacker removes the AI's ethical constraints and undergoes the promised implant surgery, after which he is put into a six-month healing coma. He is taken to the Citadel Station, where Edward Diego, a TriOptimum executive, offers to drop all charges against the hacker, as well as grant him a valuable neural implant, if he agrees to hack into SHODAN (Sentient Hyper-Optimized Data Access Network), the artificial intelligence that controls the station. A hacker from a Saturn colony breaks into computer system of TriOptimum Corporation and gets arrested.

System shock 2 shodan boss lose