
Toon boom harmony help
Toon boom harmony help

The data will consist of a basic hardware description, a project summary and usage information. The data does not contain any personally identifiable information and cannot be used to identify you. The Customer Experience Improvement Program allows Toon Boom to collect usage information. Opens the Toon Boom website, which features a Support and Community > Forum section. Opens the Harmony Getting Started Guide (in PDF format) in a browser window. Opens the Harmony Help system, complete with instructions on how to use the system.

toon boom harmony help

At the top of the interface, select Help.Step by step, you will learn to design letters and tuft them onto a textile frame. In this tutorial, Trish teaches you the tools and techniques you need to get started. Trish’s specialty is tufting, an ancestral weaving technique that consists of threading wool through a stretched fabric using a tufting gun. She has also collaborated with brands including Coca-Cola and Google. She works full-time making textile artwork such as tapestries, sculptures, or rugs, which she shares with over 100K followers on Instagram. This is something that fiber artist Trish Anderson knows well, having experimented with it as part of her creative process.

toon boom harmony help

Lettering art can come in many forms, textures, and colors, making it a versatile craft that invites play and exploration. Turn your creative ideas into a reality and learn how to craft vibrant and fluffy letters from start to finish Latest blog post Tufting Gun Tutorial: How to Make Colored Letters Step by Step

Toon boom harmony help